VERY GOOD BIKES, GOOD PRICE, FAST SHIPPING, the seller is the BEST, I looked at MANY bikes and compared everything, This bike is just as good as a Giant or a Meridian, I love this bike, It rides very good, My friend and I both bought one, and are both VERY happy, 5+++++,VERY GOOD自行车,我看了许多自行车和比较的一切,这自行车是一样好一个巨人或经络,我喜欢这种自行车,它骑很不错,我的朋友和我都买了一个,而且都非常高兴。
VERY GOOD BIKES, GOOD PRICE, FAST SHIPPING, the seller is the BEST, I looked at MANY bikes and compared everything, This bike is just as good as a Giant or a Meridian, I love this bike, It rides very good, My friend and I both bought one, and are both VERY happy, 5+++++,VERY GOOD自行车,我看了许多自行车和比较的一切,这自行车是一样好一个巨人或经络,我喜欢这种自行车,它骑很不错,我的朋友和我都买了一个,而且都非常高兴。